Monday, February 3, 2014

Superbowl Weekend Eats

I hope you all had a wonderful Superbowl weekend.  I will be posting soon a few thoughts in regards to a variety of foodie articles I have read lately, but quickly wanted to share a couple quick thoughts from my weekend.  First, I had another anatopistic experience.  I went to a wonderful retirement party for one of my wife’s colleagues.  At the buffet was a huge chafing dish of toasted ravioli, the St. Louis icon.  I was amazed.  Furthermore, they tasted pretty good.  They were, however, Californified, served alongside a pesto aioli. 

I also made one of my childhood favorites for my Superbowl feast.  My mother called this pizza bread, but it really doesn’t resemble a pizza at all.  We ate it once a year, always on Superbowl Sunday. 
It’s simply bread dough rolled out as flat as you can get it with whatever cold cuts or deli meat you like, some white American cheese (it just melts so perfectly) and some pepper salad.  I use a combination of roasted red bell peppers and mild banana pepper rings.  I then roll it, fold in the end, egg wash it and bake on 350 for about 30 minutes.  You could add whatever meats, cheeses, peppers or giardiniera you like to fit you and your family’s tastes.          

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